Reverend Horton Heat

Friday 30 May
/ 06:00PM

On sale



SUPPORT: Nathan & The Zydeco Cha Chas

Loaded guns, space heaters, and
big skies. Welcome to the lethal
littered landscape of Jim Heath’s

imagination. True to his high evan-
gelical calling, Jim is a Revelator,

both revealing & reinterpreting the

country-blues-rock roots of Ameri-
can music. He’s a time-travelling

space-cowboy on a endless inter-
stellar musical tour, and we are all

the richer & “psychobillier” for get-
ting to tag along.


HEAT live is a transformative ex-
perience. Flames come off the gui-
tars. Heat singes your skin. There’s

nothing like the primal tribal rock

& roll transfiguration of a Rever-
end Horton Heat show. Jim be-
comes a slicked-back 1950′s rock &

roll shaman channeling Screamin’
Jay Hawkins through Buddy Holly,

while Jimbo incinerates the Stand-
Up Bass. And then there are the

“Heatettes”. Those foxy rockabilly
chicks dressed in poodle-skirts
and cowboy boots slamming the

night away. It’s like being magically

transported into a Teen Exploita-
tion picture from the 1950′s that’s

currently taking place in the future.

Listening to the REVEREND HOR-
TON HEAT is tantamount to injecting

pure musical nitrous into the hot-rod
engine of your heart. The Reverend’s
commandants are simple.

And no band on this, or any other,
planet rocks harder, drives faster,
or lives truer than the Reverend
Horton Heat. These “itinerant
preachers” actually practice what
they preach. They live their lives by
the Gospel of Rock & Roll.

From the High-Octane Spaghet-
ti-Western Wall of Sound in “Big

Sky” — to the dark driving frenetic
paranoia of “400 Bucks” – to the

brain-melting Western Psyche-
delic Garage purity of “Psychobilly

Freakout” — The Rev’s music is the
perfect soundtrack to the Drive-In
Movie of your life.
Jim Heath & Jimbo Wallace have
chewed up more road than the

Google Maps drivers. For twenty-
five Psychobilly years, they have

blazed an indelible, unforgettable,
and meteoric trail across the globe
with their unique blend of musical

virtuosity, legendary showman-
ship, and mythic imagery.

“Okay it’s time for me to put this

loaded gun down, jump in my Five-
Oh Ford, and nurture my pig on the

outskirts of Houston. I’ll be bring-
ing my love whip. See y’all later.” –

Carty Talkington Writer/Director

Rev your engines and catch the ser-
mon on the road as it’s preached

by everybody’s favorite Reverend.
Don’t forget to keep an eye out for

the 11th studio album from REV-
tled Rev, due out January 21st.

JannusLive is an outdoor, STANDING ROOM ONLY venue that is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our guests. Please review our safety and security information below PRIOR to arriving at the venue.

  • All ticket prices are subject to increase on the day the of event.
  • Please arrive early to the venue to allow enough time for you and your guests to move through the queue and enter the venue.
  • Prior to entering the venue, guests will be searched (wand and/or pat-downs) to ensure that none of the restricted items enters the courtyard
  • We suggest you leave valuable and unnecessary items at home.
  • You may be asked to empty your pockets of all items so that they can be examined.
  • All alcohol and narcotic laws will be strictly enforced.
  • All bags will be searched, and no large bags or backpacks will be allowed (larger than a standard sheet of paper).

We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone. If you see something that concerns you, please say something to our management or security so we can ensure the best experience possible

Restricted Items:

Considering recent events, the following items are strictly prohibited

  • No guns, knives, weapons, pepper spray, projectiles of any kind, or any other item that could be used to inflict harm.
  • Replicas of weapons are also NOT permitted
  • No large purses, bags or backpacks will be allowed (larger than a standard sheet of paper).
  • No drugs, drug paraphernalia, or illegal substances of any kind
  • No outside food or drinks
  • No blankets, lawn chairs and/or any other personal furniture, please see FAQs for email or questions regarding ADA
  • No umbrellas, Jannus Live is an outdoor venue, so please plan accordingly
  • No personal video cameras, Go-Pros, selfie sticks, drones, masks or laser pointers.
  • No professional audio, video, or audio recording equipment – (including detachable lenses, tripods, zooms or commercial use rigs) For press pass access, please contact the artist or their management directly.
  • No pet, please see our FAQs or email for questions regarding service animals

This list of prohibited items is subject to change at the discretion of venue management

Other Important Rules for our Venue

  • We are an outdoor, STANDING ROOM ONLY venue
  • All tickets are considered General Admission, unless specifically noted VIP. If your ticket was purchased from either Ticketmaster or, they may print with a seat number. This is something we cannot control on their printed tickets and is not a real seat. Jannus Live does not have seating of any kind.
  • All shows are considered ALL-AGES unless specifically noted on the website or flyer, however we always recommend parental discretion based on the artist content and our bar-like environment.
  • Jannus Live does not have a specific ADA section, however we are 100% wheel chair accessible and allow for certain types of medical equipment to be used in the venue. For specific questions please email
  • All concerts are considered RAIN OR SHINE, with the exception of extremely severe weather. Cancellations due to weather are rare and are announced as early as possible via this website and social media. Please note, UMBRELLAS are prohibited, but we do sell ponchos!