Max McNown

Friday 13 Jun
/ 07:00PM

Max McNown is a singer-songwriter from Bend, Oregon.
Max McNown creates the kind of songs that perfectly soundtrack our most intimate moments: times of intense
heartache and tremendous loss, immense upheaval and life-changing revelation. Within just a year of teaching
himself to play guitar, the Oregon-bred, Nashville-based musician turned out three EPs spotlighting his emotionally
potent yet nuanced lyrics—an element beautifully displayed on his breakout single “A Lot More Free,” a track that
landed on Billboard’s Emerging Artists chart and greatly expanded his grassroots following. Anchored in the
charmingly warm vocal presence he partly honed by busking at the beach in Southern California, McNown’s debut
album Wandering brings an even deeper sense of purpose to his songwriting—and, in turn, reveals his extraordinary
capacity to ease the mind and strengthen the soul.
At 22, McNown has already been on a storied musical journey. Taking control of his future and drawing inspiration
from his brother who was bravely fighting cancer, McNown packed his bags and drove from remote Oregon to
Southern California. From there, videos of him busking on a pier made an impact online and eventually grew into a
legion of supporters on TikTok.
After attracting interest from major TV talent shows, McNown auditioned for one and then decided it wasn’t for him,
and gracefully turned them down as he knew he needed to walk his own path. His loyal fanbase then helped McNown
amass 80 million streams and a spot on Billboard’s Emerging Artists chart with his breakout single, “A Lot More
Free,” which was recently #1 on the TikTok Breakthrough USA chart.
When wrestling with inevitable moments of self-doubt in the creative process and his fast moving career, McNown
looks back to insight shared by his mother. “When I was younger I sang around the house all the time—I’d sing in the
shower or before I went to bed, I’d always sing in the car,” he says. “My mom used to tell us growing up that singing
means you have a happy heart. Even if the song’s about something difficult or painful, I still have a happy heart when
I sing.

JannusLive is an outdoor, STANDING ROOM ONLY venue that is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our guests. Please review our safety and security information below PRIOR to arriving at the venue.

  • All ticket prices are subject to increase on the day the of event.
  • Please arrive early to the venue to allow enough time for you and your guests to move through the queue and enter the venue.
  • Prior to entering the venue, guests will be searched (wand and/or pat-downs) to ensure that none of the restricted items enters the courtyard
  • We suggest you leave valuable and unnecessary items at home.
  • You may be asked to empty your pockets of all items so that they can be examined.
  • All alcohol and narcotic laws will be strictly enforced.
  • All bags will be searched, and no large bags or backpacks will be allowed (larger than a standard sheet of paper).

We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone. If you see something that concerns you, please say something to our management or security so we can ensure the best experience possible

Restricted Items:

Considering recent events, the following items are strictly prohibited

  • No guns, knives, weapons, pepper spray, projectiles of any kind, or any other item that could be used to inflict harm.
  • Replicas of weapons are also NOT permitted
  • No large purses, bags or backpacks will be allowed (larger than a standard sheet of paper).
  • No drugs, drug paraphernalia, or illegal substances of any kind
  • No outside food or drinks
  • No blankets, lawn chairs and/or any other personal furniture, please see FAQs for email or questions regarding ADA
  • No umbrellas, Jannus Live is an outdoor venue, so please plan accordingly
  • No personal video cameras, Go-Pros, selfie sticks, drones, masks or laser pointers.
  • No professional audio, video, or audio recording equipment – (including detachable lenses, tripods, zooms or commercial use rigs) For press pass access, please contact the artist or their management directly.
  • No pet, please see our FAQs or email for questions regarding service animals

This list of prohibited items is subject to change at the discretion of venue management

Other Important Rules for our Venue

  • We are an outdoor, STANDING ROOM ONLY venue
  • All tickets are considered General Admission, unless specifically noted VIP. If your ticket was purchased from either Ticketmaster or, they may print with a seat number. This is something we cannot control on their printed tickets and is not a real seat. Jannus Live does not have seating of any kind.
  • All shows are considered ALL-AGES unless specifically noted on the website or flyer, however we always recommend parental discretion based on the artist content and our bar-like environment.
  • Jannus Live does not have a specific ADA section, however we are 100% wheel chair accessible and allow for certain types of medical equipment to be used in the venue. For specific questions please email
  • All concerts are considered RAIN OR SHINE, with the exception of extremely severe weather. Cancellations due to weather are rare and are announced as early as possible via this website and social media. Please note, UMBRELLAS are prohibited, but we do sell ponchos!